Yenepoya Institute of Technology -Inauguration of YIT- KSCST IPR Cell

Moodbidri: The Inauguration of YIT- KSCST IPR Cell and Workshop on IPR was held on 26th June 2023 at Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri.
Dr. U T Vijay, Executive Secretary, KSCST, was the chief guest and Mr Venkatesh K N, Senior Project Engineer, Program Coordinator SPP, KSCST were the guest of honour for the function.
Dr.U T Vijay delivered the keynote address where he spoke about the purpose and activities of KSCST. He suggested that Students and Faculty should take up research and innovation activities and convert their ideas into patents.
Dr R G D’Souza, Principal, YIT in his presidential remarks shared the importance of IPR. Dr. Sarasija Padmanabhan, Patent Agent & WIPO Tutor, Mr. Nagarjun M G, Project Associate, KSCST were the resource persons for the workshop that followed.
YIT-KSCST IPR Cell was inaugurated by the chief guest on this occasion. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Yenepoya Institute of Technology and the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for the establishment of the YIT- KSCST IPR cell. The MOU will provide support to the IPR and its related activities and benefit all the academic institution to avail services related to IPR through this cell.
Campus administrator Mr. B Mohammed Shahid presented mementos to the dignitaries
Prof. Jaganesh G C, IPR Cell Co-ordinator welcomed the gathering, Prof Shankar Pai delivered the vote of thanks and Prof. Kavya Compered the program.