Yenepoya Institute of Technology – FDP organized by YIT-KSCST IPR Cell…

Moodbidri: YIT-KSCST IPR CELL, Yenepoya Institute of Technology in association with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Institution’s Innovation Council, ISTE Faculty Chapter (KA-126) and with the support of MSME Development & Facilitation office, Mangalore had organised a 3-Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Interface of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Academics and Industry ” from 6th to 8th September 2023.
The program was inaugurated on 06th September 2023 by the chief guest Dr. Sarasija Padmanabhan, Patent Agent & WIPO Tutor by lighting the lamp along with delegates from KSCST.
Dr. R. G. D’Souza, Principal, YIT, Moodbidri, presided over the programme.Mr. Jaganesh G C, IPR Cell coordinator, and Dr. Santhosha Acharya, Convener were present.
Resource Persons Mr. Nagarjun M G, Project Associate, KSCST, Bengaluru, and Ms. Priyanka, Project Associate, KSCST, Bengaluru were also present during the inauguration.
The first day of the FDP included the talks on “Interface of Research Academics and IPR” by Mr. Nagarjun M G., “Patents and Patent Subject Matters & Filing Procedure” was done by Ms. Priyanka and “Reading and Drafting of a Patent document “ was done by Dr. Sarsija Padmanabhan.
The second day of the FDP included the talks on “Relating to Registration and Infringement of Copyright” by Ms. Sangeetha Murali, “Importance and protections of trademarks business development” by Dr. Santhosh Prabhu,” Valuation & Commercialization aspects of IPR” by Mr. Hemanth B and “Prior art search” by Dr. Sarsija Padmanabhan.
Third day the talks included “Industrial Design, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets” by Mr. Nagarjun M G, “IPR and Funding Guidelines by MSME” by Mr. Sundar S M and “Geographical Indications Act – An overview or Importance of PPV & FR and GI registrations” by Ms. Sangeetha Murali.
At the validatory Prof. Kavya K delivered the Vote of Thanks. For all Sessions feedback was taken from participants and Participation Certificates were provided to the participant. All Heads of Department and Mr Mohammed Shahid, campus administrator, YIT Moodbidri, IPR Cell coordinator, Convener of FDP, and all the faculty played a vital role in the successful completion of this FDP.
The faculty from various colleges and various departments had shown their interest and joined the FDP. A total 45 faculty participated in the FDP which enhanced their knowledge of Intellectual Property Rights.