International Conference in Yenepoya Institute of Technology…

Moodbidri: Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Thodar, Moodabidri organized an International Conference on Frontiers in Engineering Science and Technology (ICFEST-2020) on 18th and 19th December 2020 through online mode.
Welcome address was delivered by Dr. R. G. D’Souza, Chief Convener, ICFEST 2020, Principal, YIT. Dr.Sathisha N., Convener, ICFEST 2020, Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical engineering introduced the audience about the conference.
Inaugural speech and keynote address was delivered by Dr. S A Khan, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, International Islamic University, Malaysia. Dr. S A Khan in his talk addressed about the challenges and research trends in aerospace industries. Mr. Yenepoya Abdulla Javeed, Director Operations, Yenepoya group, in his speech felicitated the dignitaries present and graced the occasion. Dr. Ravindra I Badiger, Coordinator, ICFEST 2020, proposed the vote of thanks.
The event featured six invited speakers that ranged from various renowned research institutes across the country and abroad who presented their research work to the participants as a part of invited talk. More than eighty registrations from several institutes from both India and abroad were observed in this conference. The registered participants presented their research work and shared their contributions to the research community. The entire event was managed by Mr. Anfas Mukram T, Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology.