Yenepoya Institute of Technology – Inauguration of ECE students association, ECHOLECTIC…….

Moodbidri: ECHOLECTIC – Student association of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri was inaugurated on 10th December 2022.
Mr. Mohammed Sadiq, Founder & Technical Director, Tech Graylogix, Mangalore was the chief guest and resource person for the technical talk. A technical talk on “ Microcontrollers, Open-Source Platforms & Embedded Applications” was delivered by the resource person after the inaugural function.
Dr. Prasanna Kumar, HOD, Electronics and Communication Engineering was also present during the function and florally welcomed the guest. Prof.Shashank M Gowda, coordinator of ECHOLECTIC and Student association president Mr. Moohammed Shahabaz were also present.
Ms.Hitha S Chowta was the MC of the inaugural event. Ms. Mouna welcomed the gathering. Ms. Navya G Naik delivered the Guest introduction and Ms.Savi S Chowta delivered vote of thanks. All the association members, students and staff of the department were present during this occasion.