‘Aura 2022’ Freshers day program held at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management…

Mangaluru:’AURA 2K22′ Fresher’s Day program of Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management was held on 19th March in the college auditorium.
Inaugurating the program K. Pandiarajan, Founder, Ma Foi Group and Former Minister, Govt of Tamilnadu told, drastic changes in the new economy have opened up enormous opportunities for everybody. New ideas are more powerful than investing money in creating new successful entrepreneurs. Along with the knowledge gained in the classroom, other contacts and experiences will shape a new successful entrepreneur. Forums for new ideas and inventions are available today. Sahyadri College is promoting engineering, industrial talent and inventions hidden among the students. By utilizing this opportunity, he told the students to become successful entrepreneurs.
Smt Umadevi S. Y., CEO & Member of Advisory Council, PES Trust, Shivamogga said, learning should be given first priority in student life. She said that the best foundation for future success is to build on the confidence of parents.
Shri Raman Madhok, Managing Director, Kahani Design Works, Maharashtra and Prof Nagabhushana T. N., Executive Director, East West Group of Institutions, Bangalore were present on the occasion.
Dr Rajesha S, Principal, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management welcomed the gathering. Dr. Manjappa S, Director – Research gave the concluding remarks. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Prashanth Rao, HoD ,Basic Science.
Prizes were distributed to the winners of the Mathru Bhasha Diwas and other competitions. Later various variety entertainment programs were held.