Yenepoya Institute of Technology – Technical Workshop organised by EEE Dept…

Moodbidri: Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of Yenepoya Institute of Technology in association with IEEE, ISTE and YIT Alumni Association organised one day Technical Workshop on “Motor protection & Drives ” on 21st June 2023.
Mr. Jodrick Lawrence Mendonca , an alumni of YIT and also Founder of “U CAL V FIX ” Udupi , was the resource person.
During the workshop, the resource person provided valuable insights into the objectives of motor protection and drives, as well as discussed various types of starters. He also presented control and power circuit diagrams while demonstrating the speed control of a 3-phase induction motor using a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). In addition, the working of a 3-phase induction motor with a Direct-On-Line (D.O.L) starter, the functionality of overload relays and contactors, and the operation of interlocking contacts for forward and reverse motoring action were demonstrated.
The students had the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge on several topics, including motor overload protection, methods to reduce starting current, different types of starters, speed control using VFDs, and the control and power circuit diagrams of D.O.L starters and star-delta starters.
The workshop commenced with a warm welcome to the guest speaker by Prof. Praveen G.B. The workshop was organized by Prof. Praveen G.B and Prof. Thripthi B. Shetty. Mr. Anush acted as the compere for the session, while Ms. Aneesha Khan delivered the vote of thanks. Prof. Yogeesh Rao presented a memento to the resource person as a token of appreciation. The workshop was attended by faculty members of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) department, as well as students from the 4th and 6th semesters.